

The Elysium trailer isn’t even trying to hide its left-wing bias. In it, Earth (comprised of the “99%”) is in shambles and Matt Damon’s medically desperate character Max wants to cure himself by donning a robotic exo-skeleton and pillaging Elysium—-a healthy orbital space paradise for the “filthy” rich—-in straight up Marxist fashion. The movie pretty much depicts class-warfare and pushes for socialism, starting with a brutal form of socialized medical care for Max. Although this left-wing perspective may seem good because it superficially provides for needy individuals like Max, the trailer unfortunately fails to acknowledge why the socialistic ideals it presents fail on moral grounds.

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Basic Economics: Wreck-It Ralph Edition

wreck it ralph

Wreck-It Ralph at first can be interpreted as anti-capitalist. The exposition makes it seem as though Ralph is a poor bad guy, who has been trampled upon by those with money, and who has been forced to submit to a life in the dumpster while tip top gold-coin-adorned rich guy Fix it Felix lives in a penthouse. Who doesn’t feel pity for Ralph when the rich guys say he can’t be as good as Felix or that he can’t get a similar gold coin? With this, it’s possible to assume Ralph has been trapped into being poor and that his life is primarily a battle between him and the rich guys. All of which, however, is wrong.

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